Board Books

Boynton has done it again. This is a must-read-aloud asap!

Nice book with photos of musical instruments and onomatopoeia of the sounds they make.

A picture book telling of the author's journey from Mexico to the US with her young son. Morales's message is both timely and timeless, and the gorgeous artwork pulls you in and fills you with hope.

A boy and his grandfather connect through their love of art and storytelling even though they don't speak the same language. The contrasting styles still manage to craft a vibrant and fun-filled story.

I might be a bit predisposed to love this one, but it is still kind of great. Very tongue-in-cheek, it really reminds me of the anime Read Or Die for the young ones.

A beautiful story about grief and love and how we deal with the sad things that happen with to us. In this, and many cases, stories are what bring us through.

Julián wants to be a mermaid and his grandmother helps him do so. She dresses up, too, and they join a whole group of mermaids. A lovely book about inclusion and acceptance.

A young girl plays with her mommy's headscarves and explains what they mean to her. The luscious colors and well-written story make this a highly accessible book for any age.

Alice declares herself king of the snow day and writes and illustrates a book all about her adventures in her kingdom.

A very creepy story about a boy on his way to visit his grandmother and the strange bus he "accidentally" boards. The ending is funny and unexpected.

A young dancer hesitates outside an audition hall, when her shadow springs to life, leading her through the city in a dance of confidence.

A dinosaur's first day of school has some expected and unexpected issues with appropriate classroom behavior. Both funny and useful.

I think we all know what this book is REALLY about. But it is also an awesome story about facing the unexpected and confronting our prejudices.

Lovely message about trying and how we learn even when we don't succeed. I love the small "before" pictures followed by the full page spread of after on the next page. The few double page spreads at the end are especially effective and moving.

A deceptively simple book about inclusion.
Beginning Readers

Baby Monkey solves a series of mysteries, but only after he has a snack, looks at the clues and puts on his pants.

Mr. Monkey makes a huge mess trying to bake a banana cake for a contest!

Yasmin has a series of everyday adventures in this beginning chapter book. She is creative and outgoing and highly relatable.

The Giggle Gang returns to solve the mystery of Dog's missing toothbrush. But do they even know what a toothbrush looks like?

Fun, and funny, beginning reader using sight words and word families in a way that makes sense with the story.
So what were your favorites?
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